The Will of Thomas MARKLEY

This is the last Will and Testament of me - Thomas MARKLEY of Outwell in the County of Norfolk Tailor I give and bequeath all my personal estate whatsoever unto my Wife I give and devise unto my son in law Joseph Clarke of Outwell in the County of Cambridge Wheelwright and Charles Cox of Outwell aforesaid in the County of Norfolk Grocer and Draper and their heirs all my real estate whatsoever Upon trust that they or the survivor of them and his heirs or their or his assigns (hereinafter called my Trustees) do and shall by and out of the rents and profits of my said real estate pay my debts (except Mortgage debts) funeral and testamentary expences and pay and keep down the interest on the mortgage of my said real estate and maintain the cottages and buildings in good tenantable repair and ___ condition and then do and shall pay the residue or surplus of the said rents and profit unto my said Wife during her life provided she remains my Widow in annual or quarterly or monthly or weekly payments or in such other manner as to them my said Trustees shall seem meet and proper And I declare that it shall be lawful for my said Trustees at any time without the consent of my said Wife to cause the cottages in hereinafter devised to my Grandson George CLARKE to be tiled? [titled? but only five letters] and also to cause to be done to the same Cottages such other substantial repairs and alterations as they in their discretion shall consider requisite and necessary And I hereby authorize and empower them my said Trustees to borrow on the security of my said real estate as much money as will be sufficient to provide for the cost of such repairs and alterations and to pay and keep down the interest thereof out of the said rents and profits And from and after the decease or marriage of my said Wife my said Trustees shall stand seized of my said real estate To the uses following that is to say As to and concerning All that messuage or Tenement in which I now reside situate in Outwell aforesaid in the County of Norfolk And also all those five Cottages or tenements thereto adjoining with the Garden Ground and appurtenances thereto adjoining To the use of my Daughter Granville and her heirs subject nevertheless to and charged with the payment of the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds part of the principal sum amounting to about two hundred pounds secured on the mortgage of my said real estate And also subject to the existing right of way from the Street to the Hereditaments hereinafter devised to my said Grandson George Clarke And as to and concerning All those four thatched cottages next Well Creek with the Garden Ground thereby belonging and adjoining and the appurtenances To the use of my said Grandson George Clarke and his heirs Subject to and charged with the payment of the remainder of the said principal money due on Mortgage of my said real Estate and also subject to the payment of any further sum that may be borrowed on the security thereof by my said Trustees as aforesaid And I appoint my said Son-in-law Joseph Clarke and the said Charles Cox Executors of this my Will and hereby revoke all former Wills or Testamentary dispositions at any time made by me In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight.

/s/ Thomas (His Mark X) Markley

Signed and declared by the said Thomas Markley as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses the same having been first carefully read over to him and he appeared perfectly to understand the same and to have full knowledge of its contents.

James Webber Jr. Solicitor Upwell, S.M. Witthers

Proved at Norwich, the thirteenth day of May 1872 by the oaths of Joseph Clarke and Charles Cox the Executors, to whom administration was granted.

The Testator Thomas Markley was late of Outwell in the County of Norfolk Tailor and died on the thirteenth day of December 1871 at Outwell aforesaid.

Under #100 - No Leaseholds

James Webber Jr

Solictor Upwell

Certified to be a Correct Copy

Interesting that Thomas apparently could not read nor write, so how did he managed his tailoring business all those years? His death certificate has his name spelled MARKILLIE.


This will transcript was acquired by Carol Markillie for inclusion here. If you have any information about this will please contact Carol Markillie email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.