The Will of Josiah MARKILLIE

This is the last Will and Testament of me Josiah Markillie of Wisbech Saint Peter in the County of Cambridge Tailor Clothier and Woollen Draper I revoke all Wills and Testamentary dispositions as any have heretofore made by me I appoint my Wife Harriet Markillie and my son Joseph Frederick Markillie to be the Executors and Trustees of this my Will I give and bequeath all my household furniture and house-hold effects unto my said Wife absolutely for her own use and benefit All my real and personal estate (except my household furniture and household effects and also except as hereinafter provided) I give and bequeath to my said Executors and Trustees upon trust to pay over the net income arising from the same after providing for the cost of repairs and management insurance and the like to my said Wife during her lifetime and or her decease or if she shall pre decease me then on my decease I direct my said Executors and Trustees to realize and convert all my estate both real and personal into money and divide the proceeds arising from each sale equally amongst all my children and I direct that if any child of me shall die during my lifetime or the lifetime of my said Wife leaving children or a child that share of each child of me so dying shall go to and belong to his or her children in equal shares if more than one or if but one then wholly to each one child And I direct that in case the amount of income arising from my said real and personal estate as aforesaid shall not amount in any year to the sum of Eighty Pounds my said Executors and Trustees shall raise by mortgage or sale of any part of my said real or personal estate such sum as together with the actual amount of income will amount to Eighty pounds And I further direct that my said Executors and Trustees shall offer the block in trade in any business for sale to my Son Herbert Markillie including trade fixtures at a fair valuation to be made in the usual way but he is not to be charged anything for the goodwill and he shall also be entitled to become and continue Tenant of my business premises and residence adjoining during the life of my said Wife a fair rent and upon the usual terms and conditions the real terms and conditions to be settled by arbitration in case my Executors and Trustees and my said Son Herbert shall fail to agree as to same But in case he shall refuse or decline such offer my said Executors or Trustees shall sell or let the said business and premises to any person or persons and in such successor as they shall think fit. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Eight
/s/ Josiah Markillie

Signed and declared by the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both being present at the same time also in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

/s/ Reuben Scott Three Holes, Wisbech

H. J. Webber Articled Clerk to Mr. James Webber Sol. Upwell

On the 23rd day of November 1903 Probate of this Will was granted at Peterborough to Harriett Markillie and Joseph Frederick Markillie the Executors.

Josiah (born 1 Jan 1841 in Outwell) died in 1903 but no day or month available. Apparently Herbert Arthur Markillie, Josiah's son, refused to take over the business as he was an orchardist and flower grower. Herbert married Florence Ellen Osborn in 1901. The business was apparently taken over by Joseph Markillie - Josiah's son. Joseph was already designated a banker and later became manager of Barclay's Bank in Ely. Herbert died 29 July 1908 at Tydd. He had one son Raymond Osborn Markillie in 1901.


This will transcript was acquired by Carol Markillie for inclusion here. If you have any information about this will please contact Carol Markillie email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.